Mentions légales /
Terms and conditions

French version:


Article 1 - Preamble and purpose

Le site internet <> (ci-après le « SITE ») et l’application « IPHIGENIE » (ci-après « l’APPLICATION »), (ci-après dénommés ensemble les « PLATEFORMES ») sont la propriété exclusive de la société par actions simplifiée IPHIGENIE, dont le siège social est situé 289 Chemin du Clos du Savoy – 74400 CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC, immatriculée sous le numéro RCS 319 403 465, représentée par Monsieur Timothy Mac Lean en sa
qualité de Président (ci-après « IPHIGENIE »).

E-mail address:

These general terms and conditions of use are intended to apply to any person browsing the PLATFORMS (hereinafter referred to as "the INTERNET USER" or collectively as "the INTERNET USERS").

By using the PLATFORMS, the INTERNET USER expressly acknowledges that he/she is bound by, accepts and complies with these general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as the "GTCU"), as defined below.

Article 2 - Information presented on the PLATFORMS

The photographs and images present on the PLATFORMS are non-contractual.

Article 3 - Links to other sites

The PLATFORMS may contain hyperlinks or otherwise point to websites or web pages maintained by third parties. IPHIGENIE is not responsible for the content and characteristics of such websites or web pages. IPHIGENIE's provision of links does not imply any endorsement of the content of such websites or pages.

Article 4 - Guarantees and responsibilities

IPHIGENIE declines any responsibility in particular:

  • for any interruption in the operation of the SITE or the APPLICATION;
  • for any bug occurrence;
  • for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion of a third party having led to a modification of the information made available on the WEBSITE and/or on the APPLICATION;
  • if one of the hypertext links referred to on the SITE or on the APPLICATION came to provide a content contrary to the propriety and the laws in force.

In general, IPHIGENIE declines all responsibility for any damage, material or immaterial, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, including in particular the loss of profits, customers, data or any other loss of intangible property that may occur as a result of anyone's access to the PLATFORMS or the impossibility of accessing them, or of the credibility accorded to any information originating directly or indirectly from them.

The INTERNUTES declare that they know and understand the Internet, its hazards and limitations and in particular its functional characteristics and technical performance, the risks of interruption, the response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, the risks, whatever they may be, inherent in any connection to the network.

Article 5 - Intellectual Property

The layout, structure, graphic and textual elements, source codes, design and tree structure of the PLATFORMS are the property of IPHIGENIE and are subject to the laws governing intellectual property.

The use of the PLATFORMS does not confer any rights on the INTERNAUTES. These rights remain the exclusive property of IPHIGENIE.

Thus, all texts, data, logos, images, photographs, trademarks (without this list being exhaustive) reproduced on the PLATFORMS are reserved and protected by the Intellectual Property Code, in particular the copyright, the trademark law, etc. Any use and/or reproduction is forbidden and constitutes an infringement punishable under the provisions of the said Code.

Consequently, INTERNAUTES may not, under any circumstances and in any way, reproduce, represent, distribute, market or grant any or all of the elements reproduced on the PLATFORMS and all or part of the PLATFORMS in general, without the prior and express consent of IPHIGENIE.

Furthermore, INTERNAUTES are prohibited from making copies of the PLATFORMS without the prior authorization of IPHIGENIE.

Any illicit use of all or part of the PLATFORMS may result in prosecution.

IPHIGENIE authorizes third parties to create a link to the SITE and/or the APPLICATION provided that the use of such a link is not intended to depreciate or harm the brand image and the company IPHIGENIE.

In such a case, IPHIGENIE reserves the right to immediately prohibit the third party from using such a link in accordance with the provisions of this article.

Article 6 - Personal data

Iphigenia guarantees the INTERNAUTES that the methods of collecting and processing the personal data they transmit when using the PLATFORMS will be respected in accordance with the laws and regulations in force and in particular with regard to its PRIVACY POLICY.

Article 7 - Modifications to the present general conditions of use

IPHIGENIE reserves the right to modify the provisions of these general terms and conditions of use at any time and without notice. INTERNUTES shall automatically be bound by such modifications and shall therefore periodically verify that their use of the SITE and/or the APPLICATION complies with the provisions of these general terms of use.

Article 8 - Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The operation and use of the PLATFORMS are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute concerning, in particular, the use or content of the WEBSITE and/or the APPLICATION, the INTERNET USER is hereby informed that he/she may have recourse free of charge to a consumer mediator, following the failure of an attempt at amicable settlement directly
with IPHIGENIE, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code.

The INTERNALIST will find information on this subject on the following site:
Click to consult

In this respect, the INTERNET USER is informed that IPHIGENIE has appointed the CM2C association (Centre de la Médiation de la Consommation de Conciliateurs de Justice) as mediator.

In the event of a dispute, the INTERNET USER can declare his or her dispute online directly on the platform with a view to the appointment of a mediator to manage the dispute.

In the absence of mediation, the jurisdictional competence is that of the French courts. The competent court will be designated according to the rules of procedure in force in France.


Site editor:
IPHIGENIE, a simplified joint stock company with its registered office at 289 Chemin du Clos du Savoy - 74 400 CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC, registered in the Annecy Trade and Companies Register under number RCS ANNECY 319 403 465


Director of publication: Mr. Timothy Mac Lean
E-mail address:

Hosted by :

The SITE is hosted by the company Webflow,
whose head office is located at 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA94103
Registered in the United States under the number Inc. 398.

Website design and production:
The website was designed and produced by La Chouette Company S.A.S.


Version française :



Article 1 - Preamble and purpose

The website<> (hereinafter the "WEBSITE") and the"IPHIGENIE" application (hereinafter the "APPLICATION"), (hereinafter referred to together as the "PLATFORMS") are the exclusive property of the simplified joint-stock company IPHIGENIE, whose registered office is located at 289 Chemin du Clos du Savoy - 74400 CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC, registered under number RCS 319 403 465, represented by Mr. Timothy MacLean in his capacity as Chair (hereinafter "IPHIGENIE").


These general terms and conditions of use are intended to apply to any person browsing the PLATFORMS (hereinafter referred to as "INTERNET USER" or collectively as "INTERNET USERS").

By using the PLATFORMS, theINTERNET USER expressly acknowledges being bound to accept and comply with these general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as "GTCU"), as defined below.


Article 2 - Information presented on the PLATFORMS

The photographs and images on the PLATFORMS are non-contractual.

The PLATFORMS may contain hyperlinks or otherwise link to websites or web pages managed by third parties. IPHIGENIE accepts no liability for their content and characteristics. The fact that IPHIGENIE provides links does not imply any implicit approval of the content of these websites or pages.


Article 4 -Guarantees and responsibilities

IPHIGENIE declines all responsibility, in particular

- for any interruption in the operation of the WEBSITE or the APPLICATION

- for any occurrences of viruses

- for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information available on the WEBSITE and/or on the APPLICATION

- if one of the hypertext links referenced on the WEBSITE or on the APPLICATION were to provide content contrary to public decency and the laws in force.

In general, IPHIGENIE accepts no responsibility for any damage, material or immaterial, direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, including in particular loss of profits, customers, data or any other loss of intangible assets that may arise from any person's ability to access the PLATFORMS or inability to access them, or from the credibility given to any information originating directly or indirectly from them.

The INTERNET USERS declare that they know and fully understand the Internet, its hazards and limitations and in particular its operational characteristics and technical performance, the risks of interruption, the response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, and the risks, whatever they may be, inherent in any connection to the network.


Article 5 - Intellectual property

The layout, structure, graphic and textual elements, source codes, design and organisation of the PLATFORMS are the property of IPHIGENIE and are subject to the laws governing intellectual property.

The use of the PLATFORMS does not confer any rights on INTERNET USERS. These rights remain the exclusive property of IPHIGENIE.

Therefore, all texts, data, logos, images, photographs, brands (although this list is not exhaustive) reproduced on the PLATFORMS are subject to copyright and protected by the IntellectualProperty Code, in particular copyright, trademark law, etc. Any use and/or reproduction is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable under the provisions of the said Code.

Consequently, INTERNET USERS may not under any circumstance or in any way, reproduce, represent, distribute, market or grant any or all of the elements reproduced on the PLATFORMS and all or part of the PLATFORMS in general, without the prior and express consent of IPHIGENIE.

Furthermore, INTERNET USERS are prohibited from making copies of the PLATFORMS without the prior authorization of IPHIGENIE.

Any illicit use of all or part of the PLATFORMS may be subject to prosecution.

IPHIGENIE authorises third parties to create a link to the WEBSITE and/or the APPLICATION provided that the use of such a link is not intended to devalue or harm the brand image and the company IPHIGENIE.

In such a case, IPHIGENIE reserves the right to immediately prohibit the third party from using such a link under the terms of this article.


Article 6 - Personal Data

IPHIGENIE guarantees INTERNET USERS that the methods of collecting andprocessing the Personal Data they transmit when using the PLATFORMS shallcomply with the applicable laws and regulations, particularly with respect toits PRIVACY POLICY.


Article 7 - Changes to the present general terms and conditions of use

IPHIGENIE reserves the right to amend the provisions of the present general terms and conditions of use at any time and without prior notice. INTERNET USERS shall automatically be bound by such changes and are therefore required to check periodically whether their use of the WEBSITE and/or the APPLICATION complies with the provisions of the general terms of use.


Article 8 - Applicable law and legal jurisdiction

The operation and use of the PLATFORMS are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute concerning, in particular, the use or content of the WEBSITE and/or the APPLICATION, the INTERNET USER is hereby informed that he/she may have recourse free of charge to a consumer mediator, following an unsuccessful attempt to reach an amicable settlement directly with IPHIGENIE, under the terms of the Consumer Code.

For further information, the INTERNET USER may refer to the following site: 

In this regard, the INTERNET USER is informed that IPHIGENIE has appointed the CM2C association(Centre de la Médiation de la Consommation de Conciliateurs de Justice/The Consumer Mediation Centre of Justice Conciliators) as mediator.

In the event of a dispute, the INTERNET USER may state the matter for dispute online directly on the <> platform with a view to the appointment of a mediator to manage the dispute. In the absence of mediation, the French courts shall have legal jurisdiction. The competent court will be appointed according to the rules of procedure in force in France.




Website editor:


A simplified joint-stock company whose registered office is located at 289 Chemin du Clos du Savoy - 74 400 CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC,

Registered in the Annecy Trade andCompanies Register under number RCS ANNECY 319 403 465


Director of publication:

Mr. Timothy MacLean



The WEBSITE is hosted by Webflow,

Headquarters located at 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA94103

Registered in the United States under number Inc. 398.

Website design and production:

The website< > was designed and produced by La Chouette Co.